Соларни инвертори
Серия Solivia 6-12 kVA
Двата МРР тракера поддържат симетрично (50/50%) и асиметрично натоварване (33/67%) при DC входовете. Възможността да се използва асиметричен товар е голямо предимство в инсталации, които са разположени на източен и западен скат на покрива.
Тези инвертори се характеризират с висока максимална ефективност от 98,2% и широк диапазон на входното напрежение от 250 V до 1000 V. Разширеният температурен диапазон (от -20 ° C до +60 ° C) и степента на защита IP65 на електронното отделение позволява монтаж в тежки условия.
Инверторите имат вграден DC разединител. В доставката се включват и монтажна плоча и IP65 AC щепсел. Чрез комуникационния RS485 интерфейс може да бъде инсталирана мониторинг система.

Техническа спецификация Solivia 6.0 TL
Max. recommended PV power: | 7.8 kWp |
Nominal power: | 6.3 kW |
Voltage range: | 250 … 1000 V |
Full power MPP range: | 315 … 850 V |
Max. current: | 20 A (10 A per MPP tracker) |
Max. number of MPP trackers: | Parallel inputs: 1 MPP Tracker Separate inputs: 2 MPP Trackers |
Input load: | Symmetrical and asymmetrical (33/67 %) |
Nominal apparent power: | 6.0 kVA |
Voltage range: | 3 x 230 / 400 V (± 20 %) + N + PE |
Nominal current: | 8.7 A |
Nominal frequency: | 50 / 60 Hz |
Frequency range: | 50/60 Hz +- 5% |
Power factor adjustable: | 0.8 cap … 0.8 ind |
Total harmonic distortion (THD): | <3 % @ nominal apparent power |
Max. efficiency: | 98.2 % |
Operating temperature: | -25 … +60 degrees C |
Full power without derating: | -25 … +40 degrees C |
Storage temperature: | -25 .. +70 degrees C |
Humidity: | 5 … 95 % (non-condensing) |
Max. operating altitude: | 2000m (above sea level) |
Size (H x W x D): | 620 x 625 x 275 mm |
Weight: | 38 kg |
Cooling: | Convection with fans |
AC connector: | Amphenol C16/3 |
DC connector: | 4 pairs of MultiContact MC4 |
Communication interfaces: | RS485 |
DC disconnector: | Integrated |
Display: | 5″ monochrome graphical LCD |
Protection degree: | IP65 |
Safety class: | I |
Configurable trip parameters: | Yes |
Insulation monitoring: | Yes |
Overload behavior: | Current limitation; power limitation |
EMC: | EN61000-6-2; EN61000-6-3 |
Safety: | IEC62109-1; IEC62109-2; CE compliance |
Anti-islanding protection / Grid regulation: | VDE-AR-N 4105: VFR 2013; VFR 2014 |
Техническа спецификация Solivia 8.0 TL
Max. recommended PV power: | 10.0 kWp |
Nominal power: | 8.1 kW |
Voltage range: | 250 … 1000 V |
Full power MPP range: | 280 … 850 V |
Max. current: | 30 A (17 A per MPP tracker) |
Max. number of MPP trackers: | Parallel inputs: 1 MPP Tracker Separate inputs: 2 MPP Trackers |
Input load: | Symmetrical and asymmetrical (33/67 %) |
Nominal apparent power: | 8.0 kVA |
Voltage range: | 3 x 230 / 400 V (± 20 %) + N + PE |
Nominal current: | 11.6 A |
Nominal frequency: | 50 / 60 Hz |
Frequency range: | 50/60 Hz +- 5% |
Power factor adjustable: | 0.8 cap … 0.8 ind |
Total harmonic distortion (THD): | <3 % @ nominal apparent power |
Max. efficiency: | 98.2 % |
Operating temperature: | -25 … +60 degrees C |
Full power without derating: | -25 … +40 degrees C |
Storage temperature: | -25 .. +70 degrees C |
Humidity: | 5 … 95 % (non-condensing) |
Max. operating altitude: | 2000m (above sea level) |
Size (H x W x D): | 620 x 625 x 275 mm |
Weight: | 41 kg |
Cooling: | Convection with fans |
AC connector: | Amphenol C16/3 |
DC connector: | 4 pairs of MultiContact MC4 |
Communication interfaces: | RS485 |
DC disconnector: | Integrated |
Display: | 5″ monochrome graphical LCD |
Protection degree: | IP65 |
Safety class: | I |
Configurable trip parameters: | Yes |
Insulation monitoring: | Yes |
Overload behavior: | Current limitation; power limitation |
EMC: | EN61000-6-2; EN61000-6-3 |
Safety: | IEC62109-1; IEC62109-2; CE compliance |
Anti-islanding protection / Grid regulation: | VDE-AR-N 4105 |
Техническа спецификация Solivia 10 TL
Max. recommended PV power: | 13.2 kWp |
Nominal power: | 10.5 kW |
Voltage range: | 250 … 1000 V |
Full power MPP range: | 350 … 850 V |
Max. current: | 30 A (20 A per MPP tracker) |
Max. number of MPP trackers: | Parallel inputs: 1 MPP Tracker Separate inputs: 2 MPP Trackers |
Input load: | Symmetric (50/50 %) and asymmetric (33/67%) |
Nominal apparent power: | 10.0 kVA |
Voltage range: | 3 x 230 / 400 V (± 20 %) + N + PE |
Nominal current: | 14.5 A |
Nominal frequency: | 50 / 60 Hz |
Frequency range: | 50/60 Hz +- 5% |
Power factor adjustable: | 0.8 cap … 0.8 ind |
Total harmonic distortion (THD): | <3 % @ nominal apparent power |
Max. efficiency: | 98.3 % |
Operating temperature: | -25 … +60 degrees C |
Full power without derating: | -25 … +40 degrees C |
Storage temperature: | -25 .. +70 degrees C |
Humidity: | 5 … 95 % |
Max. operating altitude: | 2000m (above sea level) |
Size (H x W x D): | 620 x 625 x 275 mm |
Weight: | 41 kg |
Cooling: | Convection with fans |
AC connector: | Amphenol C16-3 |
DC connector: | 4 pairs of MultiContact MC4 2 pairs per MPP tracker |
Communication interfaces: | 2 x RS485 (RJ45) |
DC disconnector: | Integrated |
Display: | 5″ monochrome graphical LCD |
Protection degree: | IP65 / IP55 |
Safety class: | I |
Configurable trip parameters: | Yes |
Insulation monitoring: | Yes |
Overload behavior: | Current limitation; power limitation |
EMC: | EN 61000-6-2; EN 61000-6-3 |
Safety: | IEC 62109-1 / -2; CE compliance |
Anti-islanding protection / Grid regulation: | CEI 0-21; EN 50438; Synergrid C10/C11 06/2012; UTE C15-712-1; VDE-0126-1-1/A1; VDE-AR-N 4105; VFR 2013; VFR 2014 |
Техническа спецификация Solivia 12 TL
Max. recommended PV power: | 15.6 kWp |
Nominal power: | 12.2 kW |
Voltage range: | 250 … 1000 V |
Full power MPP range: | 420 … 850 V |
Max. current: | 30 A (20 A per MPP tracker) |
Max. number of MPP trackers: | Parallel inputs: 1 MPP Tracker |
Input load: | Symmetrical and asymmetrical (33/67%) |
Nominal apparent power: | 12.0 kVA |
Voltage range: | 3 x 230 / 400 V (± 20 %) + N + P |
Nominal current: | 17.4 A |
Nominal frequency: | 50 / 60 Hz |
Frequency range: | 50/60 Hz +- 5% |
Power factor adjustable: | 0.8 cap … 0.8 ind |
Total harmonic distortion (THD): | <3 % @ nominal apparent power |
Max. efficiency: | 98.3 % |
Operating temperature: | -25 … +60 degrees C |
Full power without derating: | -25 … +40 degrees C |
Storage temperature: | -25 .. +70 degrees C |
Humidity: | 5 … 95 % (non-condensing) |
Max. operating altitude: | 2000m (above sea level) |

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